User Agreement
Amega is a social network, including: a website, a mobile version of the site, which aims to create a space where people can sell, buy, give and receive goods and services, meet and communicate to pass these goods and services. This process was intended to be comfortable and relaxed, so it's important to us that our network remains a safe and friendly place. Obscene and questionable content is not acceptable on Amega, nor is abusive behavior toward other users. Therefore, you agree to use Amega without violating the Terms of Use.
If you do not agree to the terms, please refrain from using the site.
This User Agreement governs the relationship between Delta Cosmo LLC ("Amega") and the Internet user ("User") arising from the use of Amega and is an offer by Amega to the User to enter into a contract on the terms set forth in the User Agreement.
The User's full and unconditional acceptance of this agreement is deemed to be an action on Amega, including, but not limited to, viewing or submitting ads, registering, sending messages via the contact form and other actions to use Amega's functionality (website, mobile version).
The User Agreement may be changed by Amega at any time without notice to the User. The new version of the User Agreement shall be effective from the moment of its posting on Amega, unless otherwise expressly stated by Amega. It is the User's responsibility to review the current version of the User Agreement on a regular basis. Any use of Amega after a new version of the User Agreement has entered into force implies the User's agreement to it.
The current version of this User Agreement is available at
1. Terms and Definitions
In this User Agreement, the following terms have the following meaning:
Amega - Amega's copyright holder.
User - Internet user.
Amega - an Internet resource representing a set of information and intellectual property objects (including computer programs, databases, graphic interface design, etc.) contained in the information system, access to which is provided from various user devices connected to the Internet using special software for viewing web pages (a browser) at Amega (including the domains of the following levels, relating to these addresses).
Mobile Application - software for portable (mobile) devices installed or downloaded by the User on such devices using various software platforms, intended for access to Amega.
Goods - any product, product, service, job offer or other offer with respect to which the User places an Ad on Amega.
Ad - an advertisement about Goods placed by the User on Amega.
Seller - a User posting an Ad on Amega.
Buyer - User browsing the Seller's Announcement and (or) interacting with the Seller regarding the Goods.
Credentials - a unique login (email address) and password, created during the User Registration on Amega, used for access to the Personal Area after the User's authorization on Amega.
Registration - a set of User actions in accordance with the instructions provided by Amega, including the provision of credentials and other information, performed by the User using the special form of the Amega user interface, in order to create a myAlpari and gain access to certain Services of Amega.
Services - any functionality available on Amega.
User Agreement - this User Agreement, as well as the List of Banned Products, the Main Reasons for Blocking Ads and Accounts, requirements for ads in categories, and other documents and rules regulating the work of Amega or defining the procedure for using the Services published in Amega.
Personal Office (Account) - a personal section of the User on Amega, where the User has access to some individual Services.
Information - any information and materials provided by User to Amega in connection with using Amega, including e-mail address, contact information, description of Goods in the Advertisement, photos, etc.
2. Subject of the User Agreement. General Terms and Conditions
Under the terms of this User Agreement, Amega offers the User to use the Services available on Amega, including the posting, search and browsing of Advertisements and other Services. Additional terms, rules and restrictions may apply to the use of certain Services by Amega. The Services are provided to Users free of charge, unless specifically stated otherwise.
All transactions in respect of Goods are made directly between Users. Amega is not a participant and/or intermediary in transactions made by Users through Amega, and does not control and is not responsible for such transactions.
Individual Services may be governed by specific rules and/or agreements as an integral part of this User Agreement, including individual written agreements signed by both Amega and the User in their own handwriting. In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between the text of this User Agreement and any special rules and/or agreements, the latter shall apply.
By accessing Amega and thereby entering into this User Agreement, the User warrants that they have all the rights and authorizations required to enter into and execute this User Agreement, including that they are an adult of full legal capacity, or a minor who has been declared by an authorized body to have full legal capacity (emancipation), or a minor of the age of fourteen who has received written permission in the form required by law from their parents. Amega has the right at any time to require the User to provide information and documents evidencing their rights and authority as set forth above.
3. The right to post ads
The User has the right to place Ads after Registration on Amega.
Upon Registration, it is necessary to specify Credentials, which the User chooses independently. After Registration, the User receives an email containing a link to confirm the Registration. If both registered and unregistered Users utilize the capabilities of Amega, the User agrees to these Terms of Use and undertakes to comply with the instructions for the use of the Services.
The User is responsible for all actions taken with their Credentials. The User must keep his password secure and not disclose it to unauthorized persons. You may not share your credentials with third parties or permit third parties to use your credentials directly or indirectly to log in to Amega, except for those who act for and on behalf of you or who receive your credentials pursuant to a contract with you. At the same time, the User is solely responsible for all actions taken on Amega using their Credentials. The User shall immediately change the Login Credentials if the User has reason to suspect that the Login Credentials have been disclosed or may be used by third parties.
Amega has the right to use specific technical solutions to verify the accuracy of the information User provides when registering and/or logging onto Amega. Because it is difficult to verify the User's identity online, Amega cannot guarantee that the User is who he or she claims to be and that the information provided during registration with Amega is correct. Amega recommends communicating with possible counterparties using all tools available on Amega.
4. Listing of Ads
The Seller shall be obliged to place Ads according to instructions of Amega and provide accurate and complete information about the Goods and conditions of sale (use, purchase, etc.). By posting the Ads, the User confirms that they have the right to dispose of the Goods or perform other actions specified in the Ads with respect to the Goods. In order to maintain the high quality of the Services, Amega reserves the right to limit the number of active Ads of the User on Amega, as well as to limit the User's actions on Amega.
The User may sell their own Goods on Amega provided that no special permission is required and that the User Agreement is respected. Ads for Goods, the sale of which violates laws in force, is contrary to good morals, is offensive or inappropriate or does not conform to Amega's policies, are prohibited. It is the User's responsibility to ensure that the sale of the Goods does not violate applicable law and that the sale of the Goods is permitted by the User Agreement by reading the list of prohibited goods, the main reasons for blocking ads and accounts, the requirements for Ads and other documents regulating the provision of the Services.
The Seller shall carefully check all information about the Goods indicated in the Announcement and, if incorrect information is found, add the necessary information to the description and/or conditions of sale of the Goods in the Announcement or correct incorrect information by editing the Announcement.
The description of the Goods indicated by the Seller in the Announcement constitutes the conditions of sale of these Goods. It is prohibited to leave links in the Announcement to pages of Internet sites containing offers to sell, use or other information about the Goods. The terms of delivery shall be included in the description of the Goods indicated in the Announcement. Conditions of sale and description of Goods stated in the Advertisement shall not contradict the current legislation and User Agreement, both at the moment of posting of the Advertisement and in the future.
User agrees not to include in the Announcement information about the services provided:
- Internet auctions and/or sites offering goods and services presented on Amega for the same or lesser fee;
- Sites that offer goods and services forbidden for sale on Amega.
Amega also has the right to relocate, terminate or extend the duration of the display of the Ad for technical reasons beyond Amega's control or control. Amega has the right to terminate the display of any Announcement at any time.
Ads submitted by a Seller on Amega may, at Amega's option, be additionally published on other websites of Amega's partner companies. When posting User Ads, Amega shall be entitled to affix the logos/watermarks of Amega or other websites of Amega's partner companies to the photos submitted by the User.
5. Limitation of liability
All information (regardless of whether or not such information is considered personal or other data subject to protection under the laws of the Russian Federation) posted by the User on Amega is posted by the User for the purpose of selling the User's property and/or services and/or in other interests of the User, and, therefore, the User shall post this or that information about itself exclusively in its interests, including to facilitate the communication with the User and/or identification of P By posting Ads, User makes the Information contained in the Ads publicly available and understands that such information is published in Amega in the public domain, i.e. is available for review to any visitor to Amega (the general public). Therefore, User understands and accepts all risks associated with such placement of information, including, but not limited to: risk of including an email address in spam-message lists, risk of including an email address in different types of lists
Amegane is the organizer of the transaction with respect to the Goods, the intermediary, the buyer or the seller. Amegane is a tool that enables Users to post Ads for Goods that are permitted by law and the User Agreement to sell and/or purchase. In doing so, Amegane always verifies the Ads posted by Users. Therefore, the quality, safety, legality and conformity of the Goods with their description, as well as the ability of the Seller to sell and the Buyer to purchase the Goods are beyond Amegane's control. It is the User's sole and sole responsibility to decide that the offer, sale and/or purchase of any Goods is valid and legal based on the fact of placing the Ad on Amega. Amega is not responsible for the execution and performance of the transaction by the Seller or the Buyer.
The User agrees to act solely in accordance with applicable law and the Amega User Agreement, and to bear full responsibility for its own actions and inactions on Amega and when using the Services in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation.
Amega does not always verify information posted on Amega by Users. Some of the information contained in the Announcements may appear to be offensive, dangerous, incorrect or misleading. Amega encourages Users to exercise caution and rely on their common sense when using Amega. Users should take into account that their counterparty may be impersonating another person, be underage or otherwise. The use of the Services implies that the User understands and accepts these risks and agrees that Amega is not responsible for the acts or omissions of other Users.
If a User has a claim against another User resulting from their use of the Services and/or postings, the User agrees to submit such claims and resolve such claims independently and without the participation of Amega. Amega is not responsible for the loss of information by the User, as well as for the distortion of information or the loss of a message. Amega shall not be liable for any failure or hindrance in the performance of its obligations as a result of force majeure the effects of which cannot be avoided or overcome.
Given the principles of construction and operation of the Internet, the Services are provided "as is", which means that Amega makes no warranties of any kind with respect to the Services, in particular, Amega does not guarantee to the User that:
- The Services, their direct or indirect effect, and the quality of the Services will meet User's requirements and objectives;
- The Services will be uninterrupted, reliable and error-free;
- The results that will be obtained through the use of the Services will be accurate, reliable and consistent with the expectations of the User.
6. Information provided by the user
When using Amega, the User agrees to provide only accurate Information and is responsible for the information provided. The User undertakes to promptly correct the Information by editing the relevant data at Amega.
Information provided by the User and his/her activities on Amega:
- must not be false, inaccurate or misleading;
- must not facilitate fraud, deception or breach of trust;
- must not lead to the transaction of stolen or counterfeit items;
- must not violate or infringe on a third party's property, trade secret or right to privacy;
- must not contain information insulting someone's honor, dignity or business reputation;
- must not slander or threaten anyone;
- must not call for the commission of a crime or incite inter-ethnic discord;
- must not promote, support or call for terrorist or extremist activities;
- must not be obscene or pornographic;
- must not contain any computer viruses or other computer programs designed, among other things, to damage, invade, surreptitiously intercept or misappropriate any system or part of any system or personal information or other data (including Amega data);
- must not cause damage to Amega or cause Amega to lose all or part of its or any other person's use of the Internet providers' services;
- must not contain advertising or promotional material;
- must not violate the intellectual and image rights of third parties or violate any other rights of third parties;
shall not otherwise violate the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
The User is prohibited from posting Ads on Amega, making or executing a transaction using Amega Services that may result in a violation by Amega and/or the User of applicable laws of the Russian Federation.
User Data.
When using the Amega Services (including when registering, interacting with other Users via the Amega interface, posting Ads, browsing Amega pages, etc.), the User shall voluntarily decide to provide personal and other data about the User (last name, first name, middle name, email address, cell phone number, and any other information provided by the User (including that contained in messages sent to other Users via the communication form in the Amega shall take all necessary measures to protect the User's personal data from unauthorized access by third parties.
Access to Services.
You shall not use any automated software to access Amega without the written permission of Amega. Nor may any materials or information (including Ads, Product descriptions, photographic images, etc.) be used, distributed and/or extracted from Amega manually or automatically (using software tools) without Amega's permission.
Unless authorized in writing by Amega, the use of computer programs that allow viewing or posting of Ads on Amega bypassing the usual procedure of posting Ads (e.g. use of Ad autoloading programs) is strictly prohibited and may result in termination and/or suspension of publication of Ads, access to the Personal Area and/or Amega.
In addition, the User undertakes:
- not take any action that may result in a disproportionate burden on Amega's infrastructure;
- not copy, reproduce, modify, distribute or make available to the public any information contained in Amega (other than Information provided by the User) without the prior written permission of Amega or any third party;
- not interfere with the operation of Amega; and not interfere with automated systems or processes to prevent or restrict access to Amega.
For the purposes of access to individual Services on Amega, unique identifiers (character set) of the User, Goods, etc., provided by the User, may be used.
Amega has the right at any time to carry out random checks of Advertisements, Buyer messages sent to Sellers via the Amega communication form and/or terms of use of Services by Users for compliance with the User Agreement, including in automatic mode with the use of software tools. In the event that violations are identified, or if information is received from third parties about such violations, or if a set of indicators is identified that in Amega's opinion may indicate violations, Amega shall have the right to suspend or terminate User access to certain Services, including the rejection or blocking of Ads or access to the Personal Area.
In order to suppress or prevent violations of the User Agreement and/or damage to Amega (e.g., DDoS attacks, unauthorized use of software tools, including for uploading Advertisements, etc.), Amega has the right to restrict access of Users or third parties to Amega by blocking access to Amega of the corresponding ip address or range of ip addresses.
The User agrees that Amega shall not be liable for any possible losses incurred by the User due to the above measures to suppress or prevent violations of Amega.
By accessing Amega, the User agrees to receive advertising information posted on Amega by third parties. The User understands and agrees that Amega has no control over, does not determine the content of, and is not responsible for, such information, including sites that may contain links to such materials.
Use of Information provided by other Users.
To facilitate communication between Users, the Services include limited access to some of the contact information of other Users. The right to use the Information provided by other Users is limited to this User Agreement.
7. Intellectual Rights
The owner of the exclusive rights to Amega (web and mobile versions) and the Mobile Applications is Amega. The User or any other person may not use Amega, the Mobile Applications or the Services in any way not permitted by this User Agreement without written permission from Amega. Exclusive rights to the results of intellectual activity in the Data provided by Users belong to the respective Users and rights holders.
For the purposes of this User Agreement, contests, promotions and other similar events, in order to exercise Amega's legal rights and interests and to ensure the functioning of Amega, User hereby grants Amega a valid and perpetual right to use the Data (including photographs, Product descriptions, trademarks, logos, etc.) in any manner on all known and unknown media throughout the term of the exclusive right and to transfer such right to third parties You authorize the use of materials in the Information without naming the author, and guarantees that the provided Information does not violate any rights of third parties, including intellectual property rights.
8. Use of User Submissions
Amega User is obliged not to use Information provided by other Users without a written permission from the User who provided this information or without confirming the right to use this information in any other way. All information obtained by the User about other Users in connection with the use of Amega may be used only for the execution and performance of transactions with respect to the Goods. Thus, the User is not allowed to use the e-mail address as well as the phone number of another User for direct marketing or other unsolicited e-mail messages or for any other unlawful activities or actions performed without the knowledge and/or consent of the other party.
9. Messages
Amega's communications to Users are posted on Amega and/or sent to the email addresses provided by Users when registering or posting Advertisements on Amega. However, Users understand, accept and agree that messages and/or parts thereof may be of an advertising nature and may contain advertising, informational or other messages from Amega's contractors.
User communications intended for Amega are forwarded via the methods specified on Amega. Messages posted on Amega are considered to be delivered to the User from the moment they are posted. Amega is not responsible for the use by other users and/or automated systems (robots) of Amega's messaging form. Furthermore, Amega is not responsible for the use by other users and/or robots of the phone numbers posted by the User on Amega pages.
By accessing Amega, User agrees that Amega, where Ads are published, may send User e-mail and/or SMS to the e-mail address or phone number User has provided on Amega, as follows, including but not limited to: messages from Internet users regarding Goods and/or Ads, including, offers to transact from other Users, offers and messages of other informational and/or promotional nature from Amega.
10. Term of the User Agreement
This User Agreement shall be effective as soon as the User begins to use the Amega Services, regardless of whether or not the User has registered or placed an Ad on Amega, and shall be valid for an indefinite period of time.
User has the right to discontinue access to their My Account.
Amega reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to terminate the access of a User who violates this User Agreement to the Services, either in whole or in part, including terminating or temporarily suspending the User's access to myAlpari. A User whose access to the Services has been terminated or whose Data is no longer valid may not create a new User Account (including through the e-mail address previously provided by the User to Amega) without the express permission of Amega, and may not use the Data provided by another User to access Amega.
11. Assignment of Rights
Amega may, and User hereby consents, assign its rights and/or obligations under this User Agreement, in whole or in part, to a third party. If rights and/or obligations are transferred, whether in whole or in part, Amega undertakes to inform Users to whom rights and/or obligations under this User Agreement are transferred, whether in whole or in part, by publishing the relevant information on Amega. In the event the rights and/or obligations under this User Agreement are transferred, in whole or in part, to a third party, the third party shall have the right to provide the same or similar services on another website.
12. Disputes and applicable law
All disputes under this Agreement shall be governed by the applicable law of the Russian Federation.
All disputes arising under this Agreement shall be submitted to the Arbitration Court of Moscow or, if the dispute is not within the jurisdiction of the Arbitration Court, to the District Court of Moscow or the Justice of the Peace in accordance with the territorial jurisdiction over the location of Amega.
A declaration that certain parts of this User Agreement are invalid shall not invalidate other provisions of this User Agreement.